Empowering Women Over 50 to Find Peace, Renew Strength, and Thrive in Mind, Body, and Spirit. Did you know anxiety uniquely impacts women over 50, both physically and emotionally?Life transitions are commonplace among women over 50, and natural hormonal changes and external stressors can amplify the burden. Anxiety takes a heavy toll both physically andContinue Reading »
"Regular Health Tips From Physical Therapist Martha Tassinari..."
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Category: Health Tips
What is Holistic Physical Therapy & How Does It Foster Healing?
As the demand for holistic and integrative approaches to healing increases, choosing the “right” holistic physical therapy provider is paramount. In many cases, traditional physical therapy is suitable for certain types of injuries, such as athletics. At other times, a more comprehensive therapeutic approach is called for, and that’s why holistic PT is the optimalContinue Reading »
Nasal Breathing for Optimal Posture, Movement, and Wellness
Have you ever thought about the way you inhale and exhale and how it influences your wellness? For many of us, breathing is something we do unconsciously. By and large, most adults practice suboptimal breathing patterns with no conscious awareness of how it impacts them physically. When a client comes to my concierge physical therapy practice, IContinue Reading »
What is the Vagus Nerve and How Does it Impact Your Wellbeing
In healthcare, there’s lots of chatter about the vagus nerve and its relationship to physical, emotional, and psychological wellness. The public should always get curious and learn more when a topic is frequently discussed, as is the case here. Discovering the power of the vagus nerve can impact your health dramatically. What is the VagusContinue Reading »
Learn to Master the Art of Creating Healthy Boundaries
I first wrote about creating healthy boundaries in 2015 with my blog Master 5 Powerful Ways to Create Emotional Boundaries. I had such an overwhelming response from women wanting to know more on how to set boundaries that I decided I needed to share this information. It is a huge topic that many women struggle with(yoursContinue Reading »
Learn Powerful Tools to Stay Physically and Emotionally Fit after 40

Learn Powerful Tools to Stay Physically and Emotionally Fit after 40 I recently had the opportunity to speak with my colleague Dr. Dave Candy who is a Holistic Pain Specialist, physical therapist and owner of More 4 Life. He invited me to be his guest on his podcast. Listen to the whole podcast here: https://m4lpt.com/martha-tassinari/In this episode,Continue Reading »