Physical Therapy - Custom Fit Physical Therapy

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Martha Tassinari Health Tips

"Regular Health Tips From Physical Therapist Martha Tassinari..."

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What is Holistic Physical Therapy & How Does It Foster Healing?

What is Holistic Physical Therapy & How Does It Foster Healing?

As the demand for holistic and integrative approaches to healing increases, choosing the “right” holistic physical therapy provider is paramount. In many cases, traditional physical therapy is suitable for certain types of injuries, such as athletics. At other times, a more comprehensive therapeutic approach is called for, and that’s why holistic PT is the optimalContinue Reading »

5 Simple Lifting Techniques to Avoid Back Pain

5 Simple Lifting  Techniques to Avoid Back Pain

Learn to avoid back pain, move the right way, and avoid taking painkillers!Have you ever lifted something the wrong way and perhaps strained or injured your back? I know I have!  Most of us have experienced this at some point in our life. In the United States, nearly 6.3 million are injured each year in theContinue Reading »

5 Powerful Tips to Ease your Back Pain

5 Powerful Tips to Ease your Back Pain

This week I received a phone call from a woman who was struggling with acute low back pain.  She asked “Martha this isn’t the first time my back has flared up, do you have any tips to ease back pain?” I want to first say that everyone’s back and body are quite different.  There areContinue Reading »

Heal Those Issues in Your Tissues

Heal Those Issues in Your Tissues

Heal Those Issues in your Tissues  Do you struggle with neck/pain or headaches?  Perhaps you experience fear, anxiety, or you just can’t let go of an emotional wound that keeps you stuck and from moving forward with your life.  Often headaches can be triggered by stress, fear,  and taking on other people’s stuff.  Are youContinue Reading »

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