Many of the patients I work with suffer from chronic back pain, stenosis, sciatica and disc pathology. I get asked this question quite often: “Martha should I rest my back until I’m feeling more mobile and I’m out of pain to start exercising again?” The answer is “NO”. Let me explain ……. If you are experiencing lower backContinue Reading »
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Learn Powerful Tools to Stay Physically and Emotionally Fit after 40
Learn Powerful Tools to Stay Physically and Emotionally Fit after 40 I recently had the opportunity to speak with my colleague Dr. Dave Candy who is a Holistic Pain Specialist, physical therapist and owner of More 4 Life. He invited me to be his guest on his podcast. Listen to the whole podcast here: this episode,Continue Reading »
Craniosacral Therapy for Migraine Relief
Discover the Most Effective Form of Therapy for Migraine Pain ReliefThe key to experiencing relief from migraines is to address the root cause of the problem, learn the pattern of the migraine and know the triggers. Many healthcare practitioners are just treating the symptoms of the headache without understanding the root cause of the problemContinue Reading »
Where You are Having Pain May Not be The Root Cause of Your Problem
This is sometimes a difficult concept for our patients to understand. Where someone is experiencing pain is not necessarily where the root cause of the problem is. Pain is a symptom of some type of dysfunction in the body. To resolve any type of pain in the body it is necessary to identify the source ofContinue Reading »
What Does Proper Breathing Techniques Have to do With My Neck?
Dysfunctional movement patterns of the neck and shoulder are connected to proper breathing techniques and the function of the diaphragm.The diaphragm may be our muscle of respiration, but it’s more than just breath. It has an impact on all of our major physiological systems; posture, rib cage mobility, circulation, blood pressure, asthma, immune function, digestion, acidContinue Reading »
5 Reasons Why Setting Boundaries is Crucial to Self-Care
Why is it that we as women struggle with a consistent self-care plan? I want you to think about why you may put your self-care on the back burner. What is it that you need to say “NO” to? Think about why you never have time for yourself? Here are the common reasons I hear fromContinue Reading »
Discover 3 Powerful Ways Physical Therapy Solves the Mystery of your Pain
If you’ve never experienced physical therapy before you may not understand what physical therapy actually is and how it can solve the mystery of your pain, restore your mobility, and help you return to the things you love to do! I hear it all the time from my patients: “If I had known that thisContinue Reading »
Discover How C-Section Scars Contribute to Back Pain and Core Instability
Have you ever had a C-section? No matter how old the c-section scar is it can contribute to decreased core stability, low back pain, pelvic floor issues, bilateral hip/knee, and lower leg pain. The scar can affect movement patterns and contribute to decreased core/leg strength. You may be thinking- “I had my c-section over 30 yearsContinue Reading »
5 Powerful Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy for Cancer Patients
Have you or a loved one been recently diagnosed with cancer? I know from personal experience as a lung cancer survivor how difficult this can be not only for the patient but for the family. It is a shocker to hear this diagnosis. It can be a very confusing and stressful time. I never thoughtContinue Reading »
5 Simple Lifting Techniques to Avoid Back Pain
Learn to avoid back pain, move the right way, and avoid taking painkillers!Have you ever lifted something the wrong way and perhaps strained or injured your back? I know I have! Most of us have experienced this at some point in our life. In the United States, nearly 6.3 million are injured each year in theContinue Reading »